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Results of residency in Havana, Cuba

Moved by the biennial meeting of the Grupo de Estudio sobre Arte Público en Latinoamerica - GEAP LA (Study Group on Public Art in Latin America), held in November 2023, the artists of the ppll group planned this artistic research, which had the city of Havana, Cuba, as its point of interest and final destination.

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ppll | Residence results in Havana, Cuba
Aspectos da relação Arte, Natureza e Paisagem na Contemporaneidade
[ppll] Come fare amici – Veneza, 2019
[hg] The Seaford Experience:  Eleanor
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vista geral do projeto Amálgamas Campinas 2003


Esse texto relata algumas das questões teóricas pertinentes ao projeto de intervenção artística intitulado Amálgamas realizado na cidade de Campinas no ano de 2 ...

|| about pparalelo

The Grupo Pparalelo de Arte Contemporânea was founded in March 2008 in the city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil with the clear desire to act, through artistic actions, in the landscape of urban centres other than capital cities. The intention was to verify, through praxis, drift, collaborative work and dialogue, possibilities of building new agendas, other professional relationships and affective bonds of friendship while proposing other ways of activating artistic circuits and nuclei latent in different Brazilian and Latin American cities.

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