The present article discusses the constitutive aspects of sculpture gardens in the course of time. It elects the temporal and spatial elements present in the current artistic production to build a panoramic analysis of the agreements and tensions treated ...
The good problem: ephemerality and permanence in the incorporation of public sculptures in Brazilian universities
This article investigates the relationship between destination, degree of presentation and safeguarding established in particular cases of sculptural works donated to Brazilian public universities. It is organised from the compilation of elements of the c ...
About the instant that presents them: the portrays of Bella Tozini by Sylvia Furegatti
Sobre o instante que os apresenta: os retratos de Bella Tozini Sylvia Furegatti Artista visual e Professora universitária Retrato, instante e identidades multiplicadas são elementos trabalhados pelo projeto “Lacração” que se organiza pela ...
1+1=3 | Exhibition by Sylvia Furegatti, Hebert Gouvea and Pparalelo de Arte Contemporânea
The exhibition project 1+1=3, awarded a grant from the Campinas Cultural Investment Fund 2015, was presented at the Campinas Contemporary Art Museum and the Oswald de Andrade Cultural Workshop in São Paulo, both located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.T ...
Aspectos da relação Arte, Natureza e Paisagem na Contemporaneidade
Aspectos de la Relación Arte, Naturaleza y Paisaje en la Contemporaneidad Texto publicado originalmente em: MARTIN, Miguel A Chaves (org) VIII Jornadas Arte y Ciudad. V Encuentros Internacionales, Madrid: Universidad Complutense/ Grupo de Investigación ...